Questions to Ask Your Yourself & Your Travel Advisor

  • Is This A Big-Budget, Special-Event Kind Of Trip? If The Answer Is Yes, Go With A Travel Agent.
  • Not Sure Where You Want To Go? Asking A Travel Agent Can Help You Refine Your Shortlist.
  • Do You Have Experience With My Destination?
  • How Did You Become A Travel Agent?
  • What Is Your Specialty? What Makes You An Expert In That Area?
  • How Long Have You Been In The Travel Business?
  • Do You Charge A Fee For Your Services?
  • When Is The Best Time Of Year To Book This?
  • What Can You Offer Me?
  • Can I Get A Better Price For Paying In Full At Time Of Booking?
  • Have You Been To ___________?
  • What’s The Weather Like There?
  • Why Use A Travel Agent Instead Of Booking Online?
  • What Does My Travel Insurance Cover And Exclude?
  • What Are The Passport And Visa Requirements For My Destination?
  • What About Health Recommendations For Travel, And Medical Standards At My Destination?
  •  What About Health Recommendations For Travel, And Medical Standards At My Destination?
  • What documents do I need to carry with me when I travel? 
  • Do I need a passport or visa? 
  • How/when can I reach you when on my trip in case of emergency? Do you have a toll-free number?
  • Are you willing to be available after business hours if necessary?
  • What is the cancellation policy?
  • Should I buy travel insurance?
  • What will be open at my destination?
  • Will I be welcomed at that destination?
  • If I go and get exposed to the virus, what happens?
  • Is anyone in my family among the medically vulnerable?
  • How will theme park entry change?
  • How will Disney manage social distancing?
  • How will food service change?
  • What is your cleaning protocol for the rooms?